Posted 16 January 2022 at 7:44 pm by Newegginc

Buy New Bobcat Miner 300 Helium Hotspot for HNT – Black

Buy New Bobcat Miner 300 Helium Hotspot for HNT – Black

Bobcat Miner 300 is a high-efficiency miner hotspot for HNT. It is compatible with Helium LongFi, an architecture that combines the leading wireless LoRaWAN protocol, and the Helium Blockchain technology.

Frequency Information
Bobcat currently support US915, EU868, AU915, AS923, and KR920. Choose your frequency as you Order.

Built-in 64GB eMMC flash for better data security and larger memory storage. All other Helium HNT miners on the market either use 32GB flashes or external SD cards.

Manager : Liam Clinton
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K700,000.00 K750,000.00

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