Buy QS Series Mother BRD REPLMT Kit 1 GB P4 PROC – 45066067 is 100% safe,Because purchase products at Quantum Tronic provide a 100% money back guarantee.
Location Quantum Tronic : Jl. Arief Rahman Hakim no.59 Medan.To purchase online visit the website :
Price : USD 807 / Pcs
Min Order : 1 – 5 Pcs
Lead Time :3-7 Days
Port : CIF / Kualanamu International Airport
Terms : Bank Transfer, Wise, Western union, Moneygram & WorldRemit
Shipment : FedEx, DHL, UPS
This mother board is suitable for EFI VUTEk QS series, PressVu 320/400 & UltraVu II printers. This is the original EFI VUTEk part (number 45066067). This kit includes the motherboard with 1GB memory and a P4 processor.
Product : Ori and Ready in stock